How We Document Transfer Pricing
Our global business operations adhere to a comprehensive transfer pricing policy, which includes the allocation of income and economic activity across our organization. Our Masterfile serves as a blueprint of our MNE group, providing relevant information in five key categories: organizational structure, business description, intangibles, intercompany financial activities, and financial and tax positions. While the Masterfile is a requirement under several countries’ transfer pricing documentation rules, we highly recommend it as it provides a robust overview of our operations and aids in structuring transactions. Through rigorous analysis and preparation, our Masterfile offers valuable insight into our business operations and ensures compliance with transfer pricing regulations
Our Local file contains detailed information about our business operations and related party transactions, as required under several countries’ transfer pricing documentation rules. This file serves as a crucial tool in defending our transfer pricing practices during audits, providing sufficient details and supporting documentation to ensure compliance with regulations. By including specific information about our business operations and related party transactions, we can demonstrate our commitment to transparency and accuracy in our transfer pricing practices. Trust us to maintain a comprehensive Local file that meets all regulatory requirements and supports our commitment to ethical and responsible business practices.